Chat with us about presenting your startup at Founder’s 30 Bucks County

Are you working on an innovative, scalable startup?

Each month on a Wednesday morning from 9-10am, the Startup Bucks team runs Founder’s 30 (F30) Bucks County, an in-person forum for founders attended by investors, lawyers, entrepreneur, executives, marketers, students, and more.

To present on Founder’s 30, your startup must be innovative, differentiated, and designed to scale. The stage of startups that present range from validated concepts up through to mature companies with a product or service in-market.

Scroll down and send us some info on your business and if you’re startup meets the criteria, we’ll reach out to chat about presenting at F30.

Please note by submitting this form we will send you reminders and invitations to the weekly Founder’s 30 forum as all presenters are required to attend at least one F30 session prior to presenting.

F30 Speaker Application GForm2024