We help startups start-up.

In and around Bucks County, PA


Spark Bowl: Innovate for Bucks County

Startup Bucks, in partnership with Delaware Valley University's Small Business & Entrepreneurship Center and the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce, is proud to present the 5th annual Spark Bowl competition.
This "Shark Tank"-style event encourages entrepreneurs, innovative businesses, and nonprofit organizations to address social, consumer, and business-oriented challenges in and around Bucks County. The goal is to foster creative problem-solving ideas that support our communities' economic growth and prosperity.

Participants will have the opportunity to pitch their ideas to a panel of judges for a chance to win cash prizes. Last year, winners walked away with a total of $21,000 in prize money.

Apply Now

Our Monthly Startup Event:
Founder’s 30

Founder’s 30 (F30) is a monthly forum for entrepreneurs and those who support them. Each month, startups present for a few minutes, and then the audience pitches in to help them out with advice and suggestions. All are welcome to attend, and entrepreneurs are encouraged to apply to present.

Learn more about Founder’s 30


“I'd encourage anyone working on a startup to let the community do what they do best: help you forward.”

— Jeremiah Rizzo, Pollen



We’re here. Reach out with any questions, suggestions, or ideas.
