8 Finalists Pitched for Bucks Built Grants Fund
$40,000 grants funded by Penn Community Bank will be awarded to four Bucks County Small Businesses.

Bucks Built Grants Fund: Fall Application Now Open
Applications open for $10,000 grants funding in the fall round of bi-annual Bucks Built Grants Program funded by Penn Community Bank.

Three Bucks County startups receive $25,000 Bucks Built investments, $70,000 in funding still available
Three Bucks County startups receive $25,000 investments from Bucks Built, $70,000 in funding still available

Bucks Built Startup Fund: Fall Application Now Open
Applications open for $25,000 investments in the fourth round of bi-annual Bucks Built Startup Fund.

Local Startups Receive $25,000 Investments and $5,000 Grants from Bucks Built Startup Fund
Local Startups Receive $25,000 Investments and $5,000 Grants from Bucks Built Startup Fund

10 Finalists to Pitch for Bucks Built Spring 2022 Funding Round
Ten high-potential early-stage startups will pitch for funding in the Spring 2022 round of the Bucks Built Startup Fund.

Penn Community Bank, Startup Bucks Announce Economic Development Partnership
Penn Community Bank, Startup Bucks Announce Economic Development Partnership including programming, critical funding for local startups.

The Bucks Built Startup Fund’s Fall 2021 Cohort
Five high-potential, early-stage startups have been selected to receive $25,000 in funding and 12 months of advisory support as part of the latest cohort of the Bucks Built Startup Fund.